Neuro Detour has reached more than 3,000 visitors since I started this blog in October!
I've had other blogs...I still have other blogs, but not one of them has reached the popularity of this one. Being a neuro sicko means having lots of "Who would have thought" thoughts, but, who would have thought that being a neuro sicko would "make you friends and help you influence people"?
Thanks to everyone who reads, reacts, responds. I'm honored to have you has a reader. I'm honored if anything I write makes you take some action or understand this screwed up world we neuro-ites and disabled people live in.
I have a confession to make.

Not only do I have occasional 'roid rage, I also experience hyperactive stimulus responses - intensified hearing, smelling, body reflexes. You name it, this Transverse Myelitis (TM) girl has it. And sometimes it's OUT OF CONTROL.
Example: The Latest and Greatest Incident
Yesterday in CVS, while picking up my meds (I'm a regular) after my last plasmapharesis treatment, I was gimping down Aisle 1 when a suited short man with paralegal (no offense paralegal readers) hair, came sprinting toward me. As he whisked by, I felt the wool of his suit brush against me. The wind of his mad dash nearly knocked me over.
Balance is not a neuro gimps specialty - even an ex-dancer neuro gimp.
Even though the only thing I wanted to do was get home, sink into my couch, take my anti-spasmodic meds, and crash, I stopped, standing my gimpy ground.
So, of course...
I said (not so politely):
Excuse me.
And he said, NOTHING.
So, as he grabbed his precious 1 gallon plastic bottle of mad cow-laced milk from the cooler, I turned and yelled the obvious:
(with equal emphasis on both syllables)
In his rush to return to line, he speed-walked past me with a vicious stare as though to say, how dare you yell Asshole in a crowded CVS. Well, his silent aggression pissed me off even more.
And I responded:
Didn't you see a woman with a cane standing here?
He spoke!:
Didn't you see the box that blocked my vision?
Com'on smarty pants, the box, which was a small "display" was behind couldn't come up with a better, more logical, more "suited" response?
And, I, officially-licensed-cane-carrier (which I couldn't use as a weapon even in a non-post-plasmapharesis state), retorted:
I'm glad your life is so much more important than everyone else's.
And he squawked the only appropriate response:
No sir, Jesus does not help jerks with jobs and social responsibility blindness.
Excuse me.
And he said, NOTHING.
So, as he grabbed his precious 1 gallon plastic bottle of mad cow-laced milk from the cooler, I turned and yelled the obvious:
(with equal emphasis on both syllables)
In his rush to return to line, he speed-walked past me with a vicious stare as though to say, how dare you yell Asshole in a crowded CVS. Well, his silent aggression pissed me off even more.
And I responded:
Didn't you see a woman with a cane standing here?
He spoke!:
Didn't you see the box that blocked my vision?
Com'on smarty pants, the box, which was a small "display" was behind couldn't come up with a better, more logical, more "suited" response?
And, I, officially-licensed-cane-carrier (which I couldn't use as a weapon even in a non-post-plasmapharesis state), retorted:
I'm glad your life is so much more important than everyone else's.
And he squawked the only appropriate response:
No sir, Jesus does not help jerks with jobs and social responsibility blindness.
I hope you see this is as a sort of grown-up-gimp fable.
Although my actions, or rather reactions, may not have been...ummm...the most appropriate, I strongly believe they were warranted. After all, it is my duty as a gimp advocate to teach people about compassion for durable-medical-equipment-bearing-neurologically-impaired-immuno-compromised individuals.

I realized that by saying, "Didn't you see a woman with a cane standing here," I was taking responsibility for my people - my companions in this often-hellish-life we exist in and endure. This was not about ME. It was about the old lady who's unsteady on her feet, the sad jobless person who's lost in a head-lowered dreamworld of job-mourning, but especially gimps like me - glamour or non-glamour alike. Maybe I need to listen to (reading books is still a TM/encephalitis-induced challenge) Dale Carnegie, but...

I hereby condone and crown anyone who isn't afraid to yell ASSHOLE, at an asshole running down a narrow aisle in CVS's across the world.
Off you go...
Take control. Take action. Make the world a more compassionate land through malediction. Make people's lives who suck, rock.
Go for it!
Please share your tales of curing through cussing here. Thanks!
I hope you see this is as a sort of grown-up-gimp fable.
Although my actions, or rather reactions, may not have been...ummm...the most appropriate, I strongly believe they were warranted. After all, it is my duty as a gimp advocate to teach people about compassion for durable-medical-equipment-bearing-neurologically-impaired-immuno-compromised individuals.

I realized that by saying, "Didn't you see a woman with a cane standing here," I was taking responsibility for my people - my companions in this often-hellish-life we exist in and endure. This was not about ME. It was about the old lady who's unsteady on her feet, the sad jobless person who's lost in a head-lowered dreamworld of job-mourning, but especially gimps like me - glamour or non-glamour alike. Maybe I need to listen to (reading books is still a TM/encephalitis-induced challenge) Dale Carnegie, but...

I hereby condone and crown anyone who isn't afraid to yell ASSHOLE, at an asshole running down a narrow aisle in CVS's across the world.
Off you go...
Take control. Take action. Make the world a more compassionate land through malediction. Make people's lives who suck, rock.
Go for it!
Please share your tales of curing through cussing here. Thanks!
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