Here are the details:
We Are At A Critical Point for Health Care Reform!
There is no time to waste in the next couple of weeks. We have to keep fighting and let our Members of Congress know we expect nothing less from them.
Many of us are frustrated after the MA election, but we have to remember 98% of folks there have insurance due to their state reforms. The rest of us are still struggling as much today as we were before the election! Two people in PA are still dying every day as they wait around for access to quality, affordable health care.
Help us make a real difference during the National Day of Action on Monday, January 25th. We will be generating hundreds of calls into Congressional offices. Please come out to help, we will be taking action all day, from 9 AM - 9 PM at the PUP office, 112 N. Broad, 11th Floor.
Stop in for an hour or two after work, or during lunch, or any time during the day!
This type of action is Extremely effective, but it only works as a team effort with everyone stoping by at some point throughout the day.
Can't make it to Philly for the Phonebank?
You can call from home! Ask Athena for more information: aford@phialup.org or 267-257-6968
Or You can jump on a conference call and we'll set it up for you to call from home!
Conference calls are at 12 Noon, 3:00 PM, 4:30 PM, 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM
The call in number for that call is 712-451-6000 Passcode is 275893#
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If you're a Philly-region person with TM, please consider joining the Transverse Myelitis Philadelphia network (http://www.facebook.com/inbox/?ref=mb#/group.php?gid=44446668472), a new social networking group that I started for people with TM so that we can meet and chat casually. It's only on Facebook for now, so, if you haven't already, join. It's easy.