This is the 2nd installment of a new series inspired by my brother (see the inaugural descriptive post). Considering the season, despite the false pretenses under which we celebrate, and since I slept through Thanksgiving dinner (I was physically and emotionally exhausted from my first trip since getting transverse myelitis (TM)), I felt it appropriate to make the first official "My Life Sucks But I Rock"-dedicated post centered around thankfulness.
Although this is a numbered list, it DOES NOT represent any particular hierarchy. Think: poetic license.
Things that I am Most Thankful for Today
- Couches that hug
- Sleep: because forgetting is not a medical side effect
- My Mother: because there are too many reasons to list here
- Klonipin, Tramadol, Gabapentin, and Oxycodone
- My Brother: because he is teeming with surprises and could make a man hanging off a ledge of an 80 story building laugh
- Kindness: because it creates warmth beyond its own vicinity
- Frozen dinners and elevators
- My Aunt Marci: because she is full of contradictions, divine, will always be there in person when you need her, and drinks as much if not more wine than I do
- Airplanes
- Family: because I believe in some way I can count on them, even if I can't
- Friends who call every day even tho they know the phone sometimes annoys me and I won't answer or talk long. But they really know their calls make me feel safe, loved, inspired, and less alone
- Men that hit on me
- Ex-boyfriends who become friends
- My job
- My supervisor, Steve Dimeo: because he is kind, ab fab hilarious, can do accents, sings karaoke, is on my side, and will hopefully fall madly and mutually in love with one of my best friends, bringing her to Philadelphia to live near me forever and ever
- Low-cut, v-neck tank tops and cardigans...because everything that touches my portacath feels like anger
- People who offer assistance because they know I am too embarrassed or proud (still need to figure that one out with my therapist) to ask for it
- People who don't handle me like a helpless gimp...especially in public
- The Internet
- Dr. Schwartman: because he does everything he can to heal me while fighting the system that's denying treatment. And because he swears "we'll get you better and married."
- Soft robes and pink slippers
- Children: because their love is unhindered
- Hope, even when it is a child playing hide and go seek
- Magee Rehabilitation: a place that gives me hope
- The realization that healers come in all types, professions, and visual representations
- Hypnotists...I WILL quite smoking this month
- Social networking sites: because you can find a mutually-rare-experience-virtual-and/or-in-person home of support
- Spell check
- The chance opportunity to see my ex-husband's three children and tell them I still care about them and always will
- Gifts
- December 17 - the date I go to The Transverse Myelitis Center at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for my appointment with Dr. Pardo-Villamizar
- Enlightenment - even when it lives in will rain eventually
- Knowing that Judy has left for Germany where she is about to go into a 2-week ketamine coma that could liberate her from RSD
- Cute tennies - with or without platform heels
- Irony
- Everyone who moved all of my belonging up 9 stories into my new apartment while I watched and felt sorry for myself for being helpless
- Friends who don't get too terribly annoyed when I feel sorry for myself
- Soothing touch...even if its only from my mother for now
- Sephora product samples
- Sana at/& Joan Shepp: because I get retail therapy, friendship, and clothes that make me look so much better than I feel
- Butt-lifting, thigh-flattering, tight jeans (I will always be thankful for this)
- Delivery
- Tall boots with zippers
- Small gatherings with good friends and good wine
- My new 32" flat screen TV
- Smiles
- The fact that it could be so much worse
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