Thanks to the non-stop diligence of my pro-bono attorney, Jennifer Jaff (and others who will/have receive mention in future/past posts), Aetna has overturned their decision to deny IVIg treatment. After 3 months of denials and appeals, I can now get the treatment I need - whenever, wherever, and however necessary - to give me a chance at recovery.
And Jennifer got them to make this decision prior to our scheduled hearing this Wednesday. She's amazing.
I could spend hours thanking all the people who made this happen and days cursing all the institutions that made this ridiculous and corrupt battle necessary, but this is just an update I'm going to keep it as such:
Friday 1/9:
- Aetna - overturns denial of treatment
- Me - Blood work to check IGA levels (?) or something like that
- Me + Home Nurse - Begin IVIg treatment - 5 days
- Relax, recuperate from stress of last few weeks and def last 48 hours, celebrate - wine, vodka, friends, give thanks, drink lots of water, prepare for treatment.
With gratitude, relief, and restored hope,
That's wonderful news. Hooray! Here's to heroic efforts and to recovery.